
A mostrar mensagens de maio, 2024


Fonte: Levitação , levantamento de um corpo humano do chão, em aparente desafio à lei da gravidade. O termo designa tais supostas ocorrências na vida desantos e de médiuns espíritas, geralmente durante sessão espírita; levitação de móveis e outros objetos durante uma sessão também foi relatada. Levitação debruxas e outras figuras do folclore são chamadastransvecção e diz-se que envolve esfregar “pomada voadora” em seus corpos antes de voar para o sábado ( ver sábado das bruxas ). A levitação dos santos costuma ser diretamente para cima, enquanto a das bruxas tem a finalidade dinâmica de transporte. Os teólogos debateram por muito tempo se a transvecção era uma ilusão ou um fato; a levitação, entretanto, tem sido objeto de menos controvérsia, embora sua prática tenha sido frequentemente desencorajada. Tópicos relacionados: ocultismo transvecção Lar Filosofia e Religião Crenças religiosas feitiçaria prática oculta Também conhecida como: magia ne

Oral tradition

Oral tradition, the first and still most widespread mode of human communication. Far more than “just talking,” oral tradition refers to a dynamic and highly diverse oral-aural medium for evolving, storing, and transmitting knowledge, art, and ideas. It is typically contrasted with literacy, with which it can and does interact in myriad ways, and also with literature, which it dwarfs in size, diversity, and social function. The primacy of oral tradition For millennia prior to the invention of writing, which is a very recent phenomenon in the history of humankind, oral tradition served as the sole means of communication available for forming and maintaining societies and their institutions. Moreover, numerous studies—conducted on six continents—have illustrated that oral tradition remains the dominant mode of communication in the 21st century, despite increasing rates of literacy. Britannica Quiz Word Nerd Quiz Discovery and rediscovery Contemporary understanding of oral tradition depend

A fada de cada signo

Fonte "As fadas... eu creio nelas!", assim escreveu Antero de Quental. Envoltas em misticismo e mistério, as fadas são criaturas míticas, em cuja existência muitos acreditam, outros nem tanto. Especialmente ligadas aos antigos conhecimentos pagãos, delas se diz que vivem nas árvores, nos jardins, escondidas nas flores e nos bosques, estando sempre dispostas a ajudar quem pede o seu auxílio ou, por outro lado, a pregar partidas aos mais incautos. Acredita-se que a noite de Solstício de Verão é especialmente propícia para quem deseja ver fadas. Para isso, deverá sentar-se num jardim ou no campo e esperar pacientemente, enquanto fixa atentamente um espaço debaixo de uma das árvores de que as fadas mais gostam: o carvalho, o salgueiro, o amieiro, o ácer, ou junto a um canavial. Deverá procurar esferas luminosas, pois estas são uma das formas mais comuns de manifestação das fadas. Também poderá ouvir um suave tilintar, semelh

Astrologia Kármica - Caminhos traçados no Mapa Astral

Fonte: O Mapa Astral traduz, para aqueles que o sabem interpretar, o mais fiel retrato de cada pessoa. Nele se revelam traços e características, dons e defeitos, aptidões e debilidades, forças e fraquezas. O Mapa Astral representa o retrato do Céu no momento em que cada pessoa nasceu, apontando no trilho das estrelas que perspetivas poderá ter o seu futuro. Mas a análise astrológica vai mais além, pois descortina também a bagagem que chegou connosco no momento do nosso nascimento na Terra. Quando se fala em Astrologia Kármica, muitas pessoas que já leram ou ouviram falar sobre o assunto pensam imediatamente nos Nodos Lunares, a chamada Cabeça e Cauda do Dragão, que correspondem ao Nodo Norte da Lua – para onde vamos – e ao Nodo Sul da Lua – de onde viemos. Contudo, todo o Mapa Astral pode ser analisado à luz da Astrologia Kármica, se considerarmos que, ao escolhermos encarnar num determinado momento

25 Types of Mermaids: A Dive into Diverse Mythologies

Fonte: Welcome aboard, enchanting friend! Today, we're diving into the mesmerizing world of mermaids, exploring the tales of 12 unique types that span the folklore and mythologies of cultures around the globe. From the haunting melodies of sirens to the playful antics of selkies, let's unravel the enchanting stories that have captured our imaginations for centuries. Join me as we embark on an enchanting journey through the rich tapestry of mermaid folklore from around the globe. Traditional European Mermaids   Our journey begins with the traditional European mermaids, whose tales have been whispered along the misty shores and rocky cliffsides. 1.  Lorelei (German) Venture to the banks of the Rhine River, and you might hear the haunting song of  Lorelei. Legend has it that this bewitching maiden's voice is as melodious as the river's gentle murmur, drawing unsuspecting sailors towards the treacherous rock

Unveiling Fairy Treasures: A Guide to Top Websites

Fonte: Have you ever felt a flutter in your heart when you hear the whisper of wings or glimpsed a fleeting sparkle of light? Perhaps you're a lifelong fairy enthusiast, or maybe you've recently discovered the magic of these enchanting creatures. Whatever the reason, you've landed in the perfect spot! Today, we're embarking on a wondrous journey through some of the most captivating fairy websites the internet has to offer. The Fairy Library ( This enchanting haven is a must-visit for any fairy devotee. Dive into a treasure trove of book reviews about fairy folklore. Whether you're seeking in-depth explorations of different fairy types or yearning for a glimpse into classic fairy tales, The Fairy Library has it all. Bonus points for their video section, where you can find insightful talks and presentations by fairy experts. Faerie Magazine (https://en

What fairies eat?

Fonte : Imagine wandering through an ancient forest at the twilight hour, the time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. You might be curious about the elusive creatures of legend known as fairies. These beings, rooted deeply in folklore and fairy tales, have captivated human imagination for centuries. Fairies are often depicted as guardians of nature, existing alongside plants and animals in a parallel world invisible to the untrained eye. Fairies, though ethereal and otherworldly, have their own unique diets according to the stories handed down through generations. According to tradition, these whimsical entities enjoy a variety of natural offerings. They are said to feast on meals consisting of fruits like berries, and the sweetness of honey is a recurring theme in tales of their banquets. The rituals of leaving food for fairies, a practice noted in numerous cultures, signifies a harmon

Fairy lore and mythical beings

Fonte:  In the enchanting landscapes of Ireland, fairy trees add a touch of magic to the scenery, steeped in stories that tickle the imagination. These aren't your run-of-the-mill trees; they're often hawthorns or ash trees standing tall in fields or at crossroads, like nature's own signposts. According to local lore, these trees which are often surrounded with large stones around its base, are where fairies like to hang out, guarding the land with a mischievous twinkle in their eye. It's whispered that messing with them might just stir up some trouble! Imagine fairy trees aglow with a soft, shimmering light, their branches intertwined like old friends embracing. And if you listen closely, you might just catch the giggles of tiny, colorful creatures flitting about, adding their own charm to the air. I remember stumbling upon one such fairy tree during a stroll through the Irish countryside. I

GREEK MYTHOLOGY "Hey friends, and welcome to a different kind of post! I recently made a video for work called The 12 Olympians: The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greek Mythology and for me, I had so much fun writing and filming it, and it was probably because I was already really familiar with the stories from Greek Mythology. I thought to myself, this would be a good place to start for people who are just starting to get into the wealth of stories that Greek mythology has to offer, but where should they go from there? So, this is a little post with some book recommendations for people who want to learn about Greek mythology but have no idea where to start, or are a bit overwhelmed with the number of books out there! I am absolutely going to be drawing on my own experiences from learning about Greek mythology, so if you have any suggestions or helpful tips for those people who want to learn more, please leave a comme

Zephyrus and Hyacinthus Zephyrus was the god of the west wind and the messenger of spring in Greek mythology. He was known as one of the four Anemoi, or wind gods, each of whom represented a cardinal direction and, except for Eurus, a season. Zephyrus was often thought of as the gentlest of the four, although he possessed a capacity for jealousy. In myth, Zephyrus could be both helpful and vindictive. As the bringer of spring, he was often looked upon favorably by classical writers and poets who wrote of his sweet westerly breeze. He had three different wives, depending on the story, and had offspring with each, including Balius and Xanthus, the immortal horses who pulled Achilles' chariot during the Trojan War. Zephyrus is often depicted in classical art as a handsome and winged youth. Many ancient Greek vase paintings which depict unlabeled figures of a winged god embracing a young man are often identified as Zeph